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Assurance Wireless - Left with No Communication!!

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I've complained for months that my phone doesn't hold a charge. It powers off when taken off the charger.

So finally I'd asked if I could transfer service to another phone. The agent asked for the IME number, which I'd supplied. the agent stated that the phone was compatible & she had to end the call & to switch my current SIM card into the new phone. I'd asked the agent "what if this doesn't work, than Im left w/o any working phone." The agent then stated " that's no problem wait 10 minutes if the Sim card doesn't work.

Place it back into the old phone".

Since its a assurance phone I would be able to still dial customer care(611) from the old phone.I am left no phone service, no way to call assurance customer service back to trouble shoot, the company doesn't have a live chat to trouble shoot.

Im currently in search of a lawyer. This have left me w/0 telecommunication.What I'm I/ deaf son to do in case of an emergency??!!

User's recommendation: DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!

Preferred solution: MY SERVICE RESTORED.

Assurance Wireless Cons: No live chat, Assurance doesnt supply free replacement phones, Customer service sucks.

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